Exercise, habit, and the rest of your life
I read an article a few weeks ago that really struck a nerve (positively), by Kathryn Nakamura. It could not have come at a more appropriate time, as it coincided with my decision to completely revamp the fit10 website and the way I was presenting the program online.
It finally hit me that simply making the fit10 ten minute fitness program available on the web, and then giving people a 30-day free trial was not the best approach. What people actually need to do is make a commitment, to actually do the program everyday for 30-days. Why? Because unless and until you actually learn each exercise in the basic program, and then do the ten minute workouts consistently five days a week, you will not understand how profound it is.
Years ago, I did a ton of research on how habits - lifetime habits - are formed. I then developed the 21 Day Fitness Challenge and offered it for several years to individuals and organizations. My largest client was the University of California at Berkley. I designed a nutrition challenge, and they had their entire staff take it (over 700 people).
Challenges work because they lock you into making a commitment to do something every day for a period of time long enough for you to benefit from the changes you’re experiencing.
So, with that said, here are some excerpts from Kathryn’s article…
What if you discovered that, instead of just adding on another to-do item, making time to regularly exercise helped you create a more organized home and life?
A few things happen when we decide to start exercising regularly. First, we plan what form of exercise we want to do. Next, decide when to engage in your chosen physical activity. Soon enough, though, as you work towards retaining the habit, you’ll find yourself (often without even realizing it) beginning to plan and prep for it. This is especially true if you’re blessed enough to have a family, pets, or a job to plan around. The more obstacles you have to get through, the tinier steps you take to ensure the job gets done.
The tipping point into an entire life change for the better doesn’t happen overnight, but it does happen. The small, seemingly insignificant changes and additions keep coming. As you begin to fall in love with your fitness life, you finally begin to prioritize it.
Suddenly, it does matter that the laundry is done: gotta have those leggings ready to go! You no longer grocery shop at random but start creating lists: protein is a must for those gains!
On top of that, you are loving how much less stressed and anxious you are. Instead, you feel more upbeat, energized, and ready to tackle your to-do list instead of wasting hours staring at your devices.
Although finally fitting back into your favorite jeans is also amazing, fitness improves more than just your body. It’s improving your life, and quietly organizing it more each day. It’s one more reason besides your health to decide to get started.
Well said! And finally, if you have not taken my new fit10 thirty day challenge I highly encourage you to do so.