How Fit Are You? 5 Exercises to Test Your Fitness

Are you physically fit for your age? Use this easy-to-follow guide and these five exercises to find out today.


Men use standard push up position with only the hands and the toes touching the floor. Women may use the bent-knee position. Do as many pushups as possible until exhaustion. Count the total number of pushups performed without rest, and enter the number.


Lie down on the ground, bend the knees to a 45-degree angle. There are three options for your arms; (1) hands behind neck (2) arms straight out toward knees (3) arms crossed on chest. With your abs tight, curl up and push forward. Do not maintain contraction for this test. Lower back down with a controlled movement and repeat repetitions. Count how many crunches you can do in 1 minute, and enter the number.


Sit on a flat surface, legs extended in front of the body, toes pointing up and feet together. With your legs straight reach slowly forward. Use a smooth gradual motion and do not bounce! At the point of your greatest reach, hold for a couple of seconds, and take note of where your toes are in relation to your fingertips in inches. If you did not reach your toes, measure how far before your feet you reached (a negative measurement score). Enter that number below including a + or – sign.


Begin from a standing position placing feet shoulder width apart. Movement is initiated by moving the hips back and bending the knees and hips to lower the torso down to the position your body would be in if you were sitting in a chair. Then, return to the upright position and repeat. Do as many as you can without stopping, and enter the number.


Equipment: A 12-inch high (approx.) bench, stool, box, etc., and a watch or timer This is a 3-minute test. Procedure: Step up with one foot and then the other. Step down with one foot followed by the other foot. Try to maintain a steady four beat cycle. Go at a steady and consistent pace for 3 minutes. Hands may be behind neck or arms straight out for better balance. Measurement: At the end of 3-minutes stop, and remain standing while you immediately check your heart rate. Place your finger(s) on your wrist or on your neck below your chinbone. Take your pulse for 10 seconds, and then multiply that number by six.


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